New Fabric trio coming up soon

Hello! The move is almost completed here, there are just some things to set up in the new home but we are getting to normal now. So, I've got the chance to sit in front of my Imac and put together a mini trio fabric collection. I've used two of my latest design that I really loved and since I would like to try some Italian on-demand fabric printer I made this happen.



Those two are my favorite ever! I really love the Happy chicks! They make me happy! and in Italian I made a little word pun to describe this fabric, that sounds like this:

"Cheerful colored hens who can hatch eggs with love and patience enormous"


The Woodland Critters instead was designed while  my child and I were spending a lazy afternoon to grandparents's house. They were sleeping and we were drawing together. I made this and then I forgot of it.

When I was looking at my sketchbook for some interesting draw to transform into textile design, it bounced up and I couldn't resist to turn it into a fabric.

And now I'm waiting for them to arrive. I'm also trilled about my new craft room and I can't wait to have the chance to work in it with the new fabric. In the meantime I'm playing with the other I've designed and have at hand.

Schermata 2016-07-07 alle 17.23.33


Summer is here and it's hot. I have so many ideas that are flowing into my head, I'm trying to catch them all before they gone. I'm prepping a lot of new things for September. In the meantime I'll try to benefit the sun and maybe some sea time and hope you're also enjoying your summer!

Till next time, xoxo, Giusy

100 Days Project

Did you ever head about the 100 Days Project? As the official website says:

 the 100 Days Project – a creativity project that anyone can take part in. Since 2011 over 3,000 hundred dayers from all over the world have undertaken to do one thing every day, for 100 days.

The next one is intended to begins in July 2016, but from the FB page it seems the official date start is in August.

Browsing the Social Media and the web using the tag #100daysproject you can already see that there are hundreds crative people that are currently taken part to this project, so officially or not, you can begin your own 100 days project anytime.


I'm going to start my own 100 Days Project from tomorrow to the next 100 days on Instagram. What you will see is an illustrated personal interpretation based on the game that I played when I was at school and in Italian is known as "Nomi Fiore Frutta" or "Nome Cognome Città". I also discovered that the game is known around the world as "Boy Girl Animal" or "Guggenheim","Baccalaureàt" in France, and "Alto el Lapis" in Spain.

My project will have 100 illustrated cards, for 4 series of 25, ech card of the series is named by the correspondent Alphabet letter. I will start with the series People's character. Will follow Flowers, Animals and Things.

Tomorrow I will post the first 1/25 and 1/100 on Instagram. I'll start with the People's character, named by letters in Italian language. So I will start with the letter A - "Amareggiata" (in English the "Embittered"). If you would like to follow my project, remember to follow me there and I will also post a recap photo each sunday here on the blog.

Hope to see you there!

xoxo, Giusy

Summer Gift Party

Hello! forget the silent period, it's 'cause I moved to a new apartment 4 week ago, slownly me and my child are calling it home. You know, the move is always a sort of emotional thing. You're trilled, you're happy for the new breathing clean airy house and also sad and worried about all the things you need to throw away from the old one.

In the meaning time I signed up for a nice gift swap party held by two lovely creative mind: Lisa of Piccole cose handmade and Antonella of

Participant had to create something on Picnic Theme. I was delighted to partecipate and to also meet so many talented handmaders!

Here is the illustration I created for the swap, and I am going to sent it out tomorrow my partner: (sorry! I am a bit late, the due was on friday 10, but it was also the last school day and my child got the end of school party so, i couldn't find the time to go to the post office that morning, so I will put a little extra gift in the package to be forgiven).


look at all the creations using the ashtag #summergiftparty on Istangram.


Frida Kahlo

In the past I've read a lot about Frida Kahlo: articles, books, and I admired her self-portraits. I have admired its strong personality, despite the misfortunes, she has been able to live with courage and boldness. There are two international journals which I subscribed for a few years. One is Uppercase and the other is Flow. Well, the last issue of Flow, in addition to the beautiful illustrated cover, inside there is a very nice article about Frida.


Inspired by the article, I took a pencil and began to draw a portrait of the beautiful Kahlo. The day after I reworked and adjusted the portrait and I adapted for art print ready for framing.

frida kahlo drawing


For the print I used a French sketchbook paper of excellent quality, with an optimum weight and are satisfied with what I got. Prints are available for purchase in my  A Little Market shop.