Storie Handmade

storie-handmade Non so tu, ma io ho sempre pensato che le mani abbiano il potere della comunicazione. Da ragazza parlavo moltissimo, non stavo mai zitta, ridevo, scherzavo come tutte le ragazze adolescenti, con molta leggerezza e spontaneità, fanno. Crescendo ho cominciato a centellinare le parole. A prediligere lo scrivere piuttosto che il parlare. Mi sono spesso chiusa in un mondo fatto di pensieri e dialoghi interiori lunghi e complessi. Non so se si tratti di una coincidenza, ma quando mi sono resa conto di essere diventata una "Quiet" - ovvero una persona calma, tranquilla e taciturna, che preferisce la solitudine e/o situazioni intime, con pochi amici scelti al marasma ed alla confusione, alle feste ed al "bordello" in generale, ho cominciato, ormai circa venti anni fa, a usare le mie mani per esprimere me stessa. Per me handmade è un concetto di vita.

Nel mio mondo fatto di silenzi, di sguardi fuori dalla finestra, di sorrisi al mio bambino (ed a volte qualche sgridata potente), di voli pindarici e solitudine, questa settimana ho aggiunto altri tasselli alla mia storia fatta a mano. Ho ricevuto un pacchetto da Twiggify, con dentro due metri degli ultimi tessuti che ho disegnato. Mi ha conquistato: Qualità ottima! Servizio impeccabile, che mi ha resa grata e mi ha fatto battere il cuore.


Infine dal mio progetto #100daysproject è nata una linea di magliette personalizzate. La Selfie Character Tshirt. Sono venticinque e le trovi nel marketplace di Alittlemarket.


Ed ora? 2 settimane di vacanza. Per ricaricare le batterie. Ma resto qui in giro, quindi, se vuoi contattarmi, scrivere o iscriverti alla mia nuova newsletter non esitare a farlo, non parlo molto, ma mi piace leggere, scrivere ed avere contatti one to one. A presto.

xoxo, Giusy

New Fabric trio coming up soon

Hello! The move is almost completed here, there are just some things to set up in the new home but we are getting to normal now. So, I've got the chance to sit in front of my Imac and put together a mini trio fabric collection. I've used two of my latest design that I really loved and since I would like to try some Italian on-demand fabric printer I made this happen.



Those two are my favorite ever! I really love the Happy chicks! They make me happy! and in Italian I made a little word pun to describe this fabric, that sounds like this:

"Cheerful colored hens who can hatch eggs with love and patience enormous"


The Woodland Critters instead was designed while  my child and I were spending a lazy afternoon to grandparents's house. They were sleeping and we were drawing together. I made this and then I forgot of it.

When I was looking at my sketchbook for some interesting draw to transform into textile design, it bounced up and I couldn't resist to turn it into a fabric.

And now I'm waiting for them to arrive. I'm also trilled about my new craft room and I can't wait to have the chance to work in it with the new fabric. In the meantime I'm playing with the other I've designed and have at hand.

Schermata 2016-07-07 alle 17.23.33


Summer is here and it's hot. I have so many ideas that are flowing into my head, I'm trying to catch them all before they gone. I'm prepping a lot of new things for September. In the meantime I'll try to benefit the sun and maybe some sea time and hope you're also enjoying your summer!

Till next time, xoxo, Giusy

Little Polar Penguin a free applique pattern

Little Polar Penguin On the last Sunday morning my son wake up crying and come to me really sad.

"What did happen?" I said embracing and comforting him.

" I dreamt a penguin. He was so cute. I dreamt about him twice, but this time he is gone away too soon". and my little one cryed loud again.

To help and comfort him I said I could help, and maybe I can draw a little polar penguin cushion for its room to keep always with him. He smiled at me and so... here the penguin is.

I used fabric from the Floralia collection for the body and the belly. The green fabric is from a heigh quarter I hand dyed ages ago. I will dig into my bits stash for the beek.

I really love how it is turned out.

Since in the last few years sewers from all around the World  celebrate the sewing  with the Me Made May,  I want to contribute to the "we made sewing-month" with the LittlePolar Penguine free pattern!

So even if the spring has begun, a Penguin is always a pleasure to welcome into our homes don't you think?

I'll be happy to see your finished Little Penguin, so if you made it please share your project on the Jdeebella Facebook page or on Instagram with the ashtag #littlepolarpenguin and #wemadesewingmonth and tag me @jdeebella

And feel free to invite your friends too! I can't wait to see a real great Penguin's march this May!

Woodland Tales

Time flies and I am working hard to get done on multiple things at the moment. We will move next month and I am taking measures and browsing IKEA catalog to try to fill the new home in the best way possible according to my new linear and modern taste. Flying box are banned, I want room around, no more stock and stashing to welcome the Marie Kondo philosophy. Yeah! I also started my own Bullet Journal to track and accomplish daily task, it's helpful! Schermata 2016-04-23 alle 07.52.33

And in all those Mama - Workers - Planners skills, I am also working on a new collection of textiles and pattern design. The fabric has been already proof printed and I will receive the package from Spoonflower Berlin very soon, I can't wait! If you follow me on INSTAGRAM you may already notice some sneack pic of the next collection, that I called Woodland Tales. I will let you know more about the inspiration and the mood of this collection on the next couple of week when I will release it. Since then here is an image collage I loved pick and arrange this morning to show some pattern of Woodland Tales.


Xoxo, Giusy