Christmas is in ten days and I haven't draw anything festive

Hi there, how are you?

Christmas is around the corner and it seems that is coming much more speedy that the other years.

I haven’t draw anything festive this year, except for a little paint I did as a postcard.

I felt tired and overwhelmed at the beginning of this month, because of all the pressure I have in my daily life, but at least this December is going well. The good news is that I carved some time to experiment more with mixed media, meeting friends and get my sketchbook full of draws I finally love.

I’ve got my birthday and it was the same day of the corporate company I work in big party, so I’ve got the chance to celebrate my birthday with friends and colleagues and it was fun, I didn’t realise since than that it was about 18 year I didn't go to dancing!

Also this month I’ve participate into two session of drawing party on line, one with the Orange Beak crew and one with the wonderful, marvellous team of The Good Ship Illustration, here what’s I’ve done I like most form the Good ship’s Christmas Party:

The same day I meet up into a café here in Trieste with my dear friend Hannah, and we carved an hour and a half to draw and chat and get a taste chocolate with whipped cream. She also was so gentle to bring me some handmade cookies to share St. Lucy’s cakes.

And I leave you with this draw I did yesterday night for the challenge #Lazyline_slowtimes the lovely Ema Malyauka set for this month on Instagram. Is the Bookshop prompt and I imagined two little mice in a nutshell turned into a bookshop. They love to read classics and explore places like Scotland (which I would love to go).

That’s all for now my friend! Have a lovely and happy festivities!

See you in January, xoxo. Giusy aka Jdeebella

A week in drawing

Hi there,

It’s Friday and I’m going to work today and then I’m scheduling a relaxed week end. This week has been tumultuous about some health issue, but at least I’m still here. I sketched a lot and paint tried new to me media and I had much fun, that helped me a lot to stay grounded and not be too much discouraged about my troubles.

First of all I enter this illustration to this month #SCBWIDrawThis themed Barber Shop. I found that playing with shaving foam for kids it’s a joyful experience, so I imagined two brother or friends playing as if they are at the barber shop, and the magic is that a comb could be transformed in a razor shaver.

Above there are some of the picture I found on Pinterest to get inspired for my piece. As you can see I am captured by nostalgic and vintage look images.

Then I also made a zine, packing a sequence of images that made up a mini concertina book remembering some of the precious moment from childhood.

I shared a video on Instagram showing up the zine, and you can watch it down here (scan the Qrcode and go to the IG video directly)

Finally I did some sketching evening meeting on line (got so much fun!) and yesterday I finish a new illustration inspired by spring, that I named “let the spring embrace you”

I mixed up traditional and digital painting media for this one. At least, Procreate is a good thing to have ever since you are a traditional media artist, just because can correct those imperfections or a not so good scanner job. (Below the original before I digitalise it).

Ok, that’s all for now, I hope you like what I share here, and please, let me know if you want to know something else, just write it in the comments, I will be happy to share more.

Since next time, xoxo, JdeeBella

Patreon (un anno dopo)

Esattamente un anno fa (o poco più) aprivo il mio spazio su Patreon. Sono una che si butta in nuove avventure con facilità, mi faccio prendere dall'entusiasmo perchè la sperimentazione è da sempre una cosa per la quale subisco un certo fascino.

Poi la vita ti mette sul piatto altre cose di cui occuparsi ed il tempo sembra non bastare mai per tutto quello che si vuole fare.

Se c'è però una cosa che ho imparato in questo lungo anno di studio è come pianificare meglio la mole di lavoro e di idee che si accalcano nella testa.

Ho appena concluso tre settimane full immersion di MBA / e da tutta questa organizzazione è uscito un nuovo progetto che vede anche il mio Patreon rimesso in forma e funzionante per i prossimi mesi. Ed il primo progetto parte questa domenica e si chiama SUNDAY SKETCH CAFE'.

Sunday_Sketch_CafeClicca sull'immagine qui sopra per collegarti al mio spazio Patreon.

Come funziona Patreon?

Se trovi che i contenuti che offro sono interessanti e vuoi sostenere la mia arte (e per fare si che io possa offrirne di nuovi e migliori di volta in volta), puoi decidere di fare una donazione mensile dell'importo che trovi nei vari TIER oppure quello che decidi tu, puoi togliere il lucchetto e vedere dei contenuti riservati soltanto ai Patrons del mio progetto.

Qui trovi il post che avevo pubblicato l'anno scorso a riguardo.

Nel Sunday Sketch Cafè mostrerò tutte le domeniche le mie live session di disegno, inizio, sviluppo e fine di un progetto, dal bozzetto alla colorazione con i vari medium che uso solitamente. Le sessioni saranno comunque disponibili sul canale anche dopo la live session.

Io spero di vederti li!

Xoxo, Giusy