Christmas is in ten days and I haven't draw anything festive

Hi there, how are you?

Christmas is around the corner and it seems that is coming much more speedy that the other years.

I haven’t draw anything festive this year, except for a little paint I did as a postcard.

I felt tired and overwhelmed at the beginning of this month, because of all the pressure I have in my daily life, but at least this December is going well. The good news is that I carved some time to experiment more with mixed media, meeting friends and get my sketchbook full of draws I finally love.

I’ve got my birthday and it was the same day of the corporate company I work in big party, so I’ve got the chance to celebrate my birthday with friends and colleagues and it was fun, I didn’t realise since than that it was about 18 year I didn't go to dancing!

Also this month I’ve participate into two session of drawing party on line, one with the Orange Beak crew and one with the wonderful, marvellous team of The Good Ship Illustration, here what’s I’ve done I like most form the Good ship’s Christmas Party:

The same day I meet up into a café here in Trieste with my dear friend Hannah, and we carved an hour and a half to draw and chat and get a taste chocolate with whipped cream. She also was so gentle to bring me some handmade cookies to share St. Lucy’s cakes.

And I leave you with this draw I did yesterday night for the challenge #Lazyline_slowtimes the lovely Ema Malyauka set for this month on Instagram. Is the Bookshop prompt and I imagined two little mice in a nutshell turned into a bookshop. They love to read classics and explore places like Scotland (which I would love to go).

That’s all for now my friend! Have a lovely and happy festivities!

See you in January, xoxo. Giusy aka Jdeebella

It’s the crispy season, Fall/Autumn love as a Gilmore Girls in a Cottagecore style

Hi my friends!

If You as me, love Autumn, this is the right season to look into your deep core. Following you can give a glimpse into mine.

A Touch of Magic in the Life of an Artist: Embracing Cottagecore and Gilmore Girls

There is a timeless charm in art that extends beyond creations and into the lifestyle of those who create it. Imagine a day starting with  birds songs, a steaming cup of tea, and a sketchbook ready to be filled with new ideas. This is the enchanted world that embraces the Cottagecore style, with a touch of the magic from Gilmore Girls.

The Ideal Daily Routine of an Artist

The morning begins with a walk in the woods or maybe into the hidden spot of an ancient city, gathering inspiration from the surrounding nature or buildings. Falling leaves, wildflowers, and hidden paths are silent muses that fuel creativity. It's a perfect moment to pause, take notes in a journal, or capture an idea with a quick sketch.

sketches I’ve done quickly

One on my latest sketch

The Tea Ritual

Returning home, there's always time for a good cup of tea. With a cup in hand and the soft morning light streaming through the windows, it's the ideal time to reflect and plan the artistic day ahead. Tea is more than just a beverage; it's a ritual that centers the mind and opens the heart to new ideas.

Creative Corners

In a Cottagecore-styled home, every corner can transform into a small sanctuary of creativity. A worn wooden table, a cozy chair, and a window overlooking the garden. Here, the artist can immerse themselves in their work, surrounded by books, sketches, and objects collected along the way.

A beautiful corner in my living room

Cross Stitch patterns I’ve designed in 2023

Moments of Connection

Just like in the stories of Gilmore Girls, moments of connection are essential. Sharing your world with friends and family, discussing new ideas, and receiving feedback is a vital part of the creative process. A simple lunch invitation can turn into an afternoon of laughter, memories, and new inspiration.

connecting also with our animal besties

A Life of Simple Beauty

Embracing Cottagecore & Stars Hollow (from the Gilmore Girls) lifestyle means finding beauty in simplicity. A vase of fresh flowers on the windowsill, a handmade blanket draped over a chair, and time spent creating with one's hands. Every day is an opportunity to live and breathe art in every detail.

That’s all for today friend, since next time, xoxo, Giusy. aka Jdeebella @soulfulcrane

And happy Autumn to Youuuuuu!!!!

November BLUES

Dear Reader,

How are you?

For some aspects this Autumn is really glorious to me: warm weather was going on, but today the air is finally much more crisp and I am indulging in Autumnal/Wintery outfits dreams.

You know, fashion is something I really love, but for me wearing has to be very personal and colliding with my own style, my feelings, so I could say I do love STYLE over TRENDS.

On my research lately I’ve discovered more about what my style looks, It seems I stick over three styles:

  • Dark/white Academia

  • Classical/Balmoral

  • Woodland/Cottage Academia

Yes, In winter I love to live in tweed and wool garments, reading, drawing, writing and sipping hot milk, tea, coffee, eating comfort food and watching tv series on Netflix and co., I also love meet curious people and go to theatre.

All this, You may say, it’s a bit Girly, but it’s really what I TRULY feel I belong too. (Not the only one, it’s what the lovely last Queen Elizabeth wore).

I could probably say that I belong to those who love reading classical or modern books with a sophisticated individualism savour (currently I am immersed in Donna Tartt’s #thesecrethistory book, I’m adoring it!)

So, I also got the opportunity of watching the HARRY POTTER saga again, (thanks to Massimo Battista new book that make me want to go deeper at Hogwarts).

Which house you belong to?

As I did my test on the official website, I was happy to discover that I am a Ravenclaw member, my patronus is a deerhound and my wand is a very special one since is made with Acacia wood that I adore and Unicorn core (love them a lot!). And if you’re asking me, yes I am a fan of Luna Lovegood.

So, speaking on Art & Crafts, this month I create some magical icons you’ll be see very soon on my Patreon Page, the course at The Goodship Illustration is wonderful, Thanks to it I wrote a story, I need time to put it in pictures, since I hope it will become a real book on the next year! (This sound extremely scary to me, but that’s it!)

And as crispy weather comes, I’ve got my knitting mojo set in, so I’m making a new sweater for the new year.

Ok, that’s all for now from me, wishing you a magical Autumn’s end.

Xoxo, Jdeebella

Gli essenziali per fare patchwork

Di recente ho letto di un fratello cyber tecnologico che chiede alla sorella editrice, impegnata sul versante di pubblicazioni indipendenti inerenti arte e artigianato, del perché le persone, nonostante la tecnologia, continuino a lavorare con le mani e quale piacere o profitto ne traggano. Janine, l’editore e madre di Uppercase e delle relative pubblicazioni monotematiche sotto la U giga di Uppercase, ha girato a noi abbonati la domanda.
Per me, come già detto in altre occasioni, è un sentirmi connessa col mio vissuto familiare, con la storia dei bachi da seta tenuti dalle mie nonne in Sicilia, con la tessitura, con la sartoria della mia nonna paterna e per una gestualità tanto antica e tanto radicata nel mio dna.
Credo che in quasi ogni famiglia in Italia e nel mondo si siano tramandati spesso quei gesti e spesso anche gli strumenti. Sapendo della mia passione, mi sono arrivati spesso tesori in regalo da amici e parenti, che magari questo legame non l’hanno mai vissuto così forte, contenenti ogni sorta di fili preziosi senza tempo, ditali e forbici antiche e bottoni di ogni forma e colore.


Quando ho ripreso a fare patchwork ad inizio anno, avevo già tutto quello che mi serviva a casa, ho quindi solo dovuto rispolverare i vecchi strumenti e riprendere l’abitudine di cucire.

Se ti stuzzica l’idea, per iniziare dalle basi, probabilmente hai a casa tutto quello che ti serve anche tu. Gli strumenti essenziali sono davvero lontani da quanto giri voce che servano accessori costosi ed indispensabili, moderni ed ergonomici, volendo proprio ricordare che già nel 1700 gli Inglesi erano dediti a quest’arte che divenne poi di necessità più che diletto nel nuovo mondo.
Di necessario quindi se proprio vogliamo bastano un paio di forbicine, del filo da cucito non troppo grosso, preferibilmente in cotone, degli avanzi di tessuto colorato, possono essere anche di recupero, meglio comunque di cotone o seta, e l’importante è utilizzare sempre tessuti di spessore simile, ottima la scelta per esempio di riutilizzare le camicie, cravatte e persino il cotone di vecchie lenzuola o grembiuli da cucina, mettici poi degli aghi da cucito o ricamo, del filo per imbastire, un ditale se odi anche tu traforarti le dita, sappi comunque che ci sono persone che ne fanno volentieri a meno.
Fammi sapere se ti va di iniziare qualche progetto facile e veloce insieme a me, potrei pensare di presentarne qualcuno proprio qui.


Sto lavorando a qualcosa di bello, credo che in questo periodo abbiamo tutti un gran bisogno di bellezza, di bellezza magnifica, amore e compassione, come fu per il Rinascimento un po’ di secoli fa.
since then, fammi sapere qui il tuo pensiero, o scrivimi, sarò felice di connettermi con te.

xoxo G. Aka Jdeebella at Soulfulcrane